
Tips on how to maintain your Car’s Engine


Tips on how to maintain your Car’s Engine


Car engines need to be looked after. They require a check-up every so often, and they also need some regular maintenance to keep them in optimum running condition. To assist you in taking good care of your engine and to keep it from creating serious issues, we’ve put together a short list of ways to proactively protect your engine.

Change the oil regularly

Changing the oil regularly is one of the most crucial things you can do for your engine. Oil has a central role of keeping vital engine parts well lubricated so that they don’t overheat or seize. Your engine can not function without it and if you wait too long between oil changes it can cause serious long and short term damage to your engine. So, it’s imperative to researchwhat your car’s manufacturer suggests for your specific vehicle’s oil change interval. You can also search online.
When changing the oil, the oil filter should be changed simultaneously. Oil filters catch the dirt and carbon particles floating around inside of your engine and prevent the debrisfrom circulating back into the engine. A new filter and new oil will allow your engine to run smoothly, and most importantly, it will keep all the internal parts of the engine well lubricated.

Keep the cooling system effective

The cooling system includes the radiator, thermostat, water pump and coolant. The simplest way of protecting your engine from overheating is by ensuring you have the proper amount of coolant (radiator fluid) circulating throughout your engine. The coolant circulates through your engine when the thermostat determines that the engine is getting hot and needs to be cooled down. The water pump then circulates coolant from the radiator, sends it into the engine block and then back out to the radiator to be cooled down. The cost to find and replace a problem with the cooling system ahead of time will far outweigh the damage done to your engine if it ever overheats.

Change air filter

Air filters keep debrislike bugs, leaves and dirt from getting inside of your engine as well as immanent dust. Overtime, these filters can get clogged with dirt and need to be replaced. Depending on your driving habits and road conditions, an air filter can usually last a long time. But if the filter becomes too dirty, it can starve your engine of oxygen, affecting performance and economy.

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